Hai guys! on this page I would share with you about interpretive talk and presentation technique. 


Examples of interpretive talk and presentation: 
  • Formal talks
  • Guided walks
  • Conducted activities
  • Demonstrations
  • Traveling trunks
  • Curriculum-based
  • Exhibits

Tilden’s Principles of Interpretation (1957) :

  1. Relate: example Sentul fruit is like a tennis ball.
  2. Reveal: a secret is a provocation but do not be secretive until the end.
  3. Provoke: Makes the audience curious with question, secret or mystery or something that able to attract their attention 
  4. Whole: tell the whole story.
  5. Art: Images, colours, sound, voice, touch, models.
  6. Children: Children's stories can be accepted by adults, but not otherwise.

Interpretation Theme:

  •  What is theme? - The whole idea is described in a single sentence. 
  •  Good theme - can connect objects / places (tangibles) with the intent / ideas / emotions (intangibles).
interpretive communication structure: 

  1. Pow! - Attract the audience attention with provocation start.
  2. Brigde - Give the answer to the last provocation ( reveal)
  3. Body - Give example of the masssage (relate)
  4. Conclusion - Give a conclusion to the presentation that was made - there must be a "call for action". Give the answer to the question "so what?"
Interpretive Communication Plan: 

  • Identify the audience - background, ability, culture, social level etc. (Make sure the messages are relevant and meaningful to the audience). 
  • Theme - unique and interesting. • Objective assessment - in a format that can be evaluated
  • Preparation area - location, period, group size. 
  • Reference sources - books, internet, brochures. 
  • Programme guidelines - the structure, the introduction of the topic, outline, conclusion.

Interpretive Communication Method:
  • Preparation stage - came early, dressed, always ready and in confidence.
  • The first moment - the first 30 seconds are the most critical time to create a friendly atmosphere, avoid any obstacles, smiles, eye-contact, casual, not too formal.
  • Start the communication - do not cram, do not hide the notes, body language, use humor, questions and tools to create the mood.
  • Voice - clear, intonation, pause, emphasis on narrative situation "warn if something important will happen".  
Interpretive Communication Tips :
  •  Body language - mimic face, feeling, walking with reason, avoid shaking or hiding hands/legs.
  • Active verb - avoid “fillers” (eeemmm, eerr, apa?), sentence repetition, apologise.
  • Props and aids - something interesting but you can control it. 
  • Humor - must be relevant, easily caught, not offend, do not make the audience as a joke - if you need, make yourself a target. 
  • Questioning - focus / process / evaluative / rhetorical. 

Questioning :

  • Focus Questions - basic: who? what? where? / What do you know about global warming?
  • Process Questions - audience need to give a wide answer and think / What does it mean?  
  • Evaluative Questions - audience’s view and opinion, give them to judge and make an evaluation / Why do human always think that?
  • • Rhetoric Questions - No need answers from the audience, let them think what is the answers / If global warming is happening, what will happen to mankind?
Apply interpretive presentation tool  for different audience and resources: 

  1. Interpretive Slide Talk
  2. Storytelling
  3. Guide Interpretation 
  4. Non-Verbal Interpretation 


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